
African Studies Journals in Wikipedia

Now African Studies Journals is available in Wikipedia.

This has two big advantages:
-the list of African Studies Journals is now available for a wide audience
-the list can be expanded and improved by anybody with knowledge about e-journals on Africa.

To quote Jos Damen (African Studies Centre, Leiden The Netherlands www.ascleiden.nl):

This is not a definitive list: it is work "under construction". The list will be expanded (ISBN etc) and updated in the future. It would be nice if all African Studies Journals would get their "own" page in Wikipedia, like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aequatoria and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Affairs

At the coming meeting of the European Librarians on African Studies in Leipzig (3 June 2009 at http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibliotheca_Albertina ) more information on this project will be distributed.