Grazr & BlogBridge 6.0
The worst thing about a blog is definetly a inactive blog. I am sorry folks, being sick for more than a week is not helping frequent posting. You could all see that I have tried to clean up the right column of my blog since last time. I have removed some of my pull down menus extracted the links and made opml files, then I have imported the opml files into the Grazr widget a whoolaa. The meaning behind it is that everybody could choose to export the links to their own system, IGoogle, Pageflakes,etc...Meaning that it all has become more flexible.
BlogBridge 6.0
I came across this RSS feed reader not long ago, a very good reader with lots of options, one of them being to import and export opml files, in that way your whole collection of good RSS feeds could be shared with the rest of the world, like I have done under the link "COLLECTED LIBRARY BLOG RSS FEEDS".
Feel free to share, that's what information is all about reaching out...