Today's book recommondation
You will find it on dewey number 394.12 in the shelf's at NTNU Dragvoll Library, Trondheim, Norway.
Additional keywords: Android, Linux, Google, Virtualization, Library research, Library resources, Library technology.
You will find it on dewey number 394.12 in the shelf's at NTNU Dragvoll Library, Trondheim, Norway.
For those of you experiencing problems when loading the module icons, here is the answer:
I experienced some problems with the module icons in BartsideeTV recently, they all had the same color,white without the previous Tv logo so I sent the question directly to Bart and got an answer back 6 minutes later solving my problem.
One of the best free music streaming services on the web is now available through the fantastic Bartsidee Repository, it's a ported version of the xbmc Grooveshark app. You already had a very simple Groooveshark interface avaiable through the Navi-x app, but this version has much more functionality and is what I will call a proper app.
Great work again Bart!
Add Boxee repo:
4 hours and 30 minutes ago I received upgrade v. and everything is working again!!!!
Thank you Thank you.
Did the manual update v. Now everything is terribly slow. No streams
are working proper (not working at all), so I suppose I just have to
play local files. This is crap! I want to go back to the previous
version. Not recommending anyone to upgrade.
After upgrading to v. Boxee Box is just nothing but a average capable
browser and a local media player. Terribly disappointed about the new
upgrade, never should have upgraded. I also had a really hard time
getting the audio to work,it worked after deselecting everything under
the specified audio channels. THIS IS TOTAL CRAP! I liked my previous
Boxee Box version much better. The Boxee Box team really has to do
something about the awful streaming speed, no my Boxee Box is unuseable.
The new layout and functions is looking great but who cares when nothing
else is functioning, almost impossible to stream, no pictures, drop out
Have tried several different apps and repositories that used to function
great with the previous version, Navi-X, Bartsidee Repository
(Bartisidee TV), etc.
This is just terribly disappointing. I am now stuck with a Boxee Box
that's unusable, what is Boxee Box without streaming possibilities? A
local media player.
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