VODO-free-to-share films
VODO is a site dedicated to share legally free films available through bittorrent. Thanks for the link from Pascal Braak
Additional keywords: Android, Linux, Google, Virtualization, Library research, Library resources, Library technology.
VODO is a site dedicated to share legally free films available through bittorrent. Thanks for the link from Pascal Braak
Here is some beautiful photos of the isolated Jarawa people on the Andaman Islands in India taken by the french photographer Olivier Blaise.
This page from the British Academy provide an annotated list of links to social anthropology and human geography Internet resources which include gateways, projects, dictionaries, databases, papers and reports. There are also an A to Z listing and 'What's New' page for the main portal.
OFFSTATS:Official statistics on the web. Web links are arranged by country, region or subject.
The GEOnet Names Server (GNS) provides access to a database of foreign geographic feature names. The database is maintained by the US National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA).The database contains over 3 million features and 5 million names and is updated bi-weekly.
The GEO Data Portal is the authoritative source for data sets used by UNEP and its partners in the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) report and other integrated environment assessments. Its online database holds more than 500 different variables, as national, subregional, regional and global statistics or as geospatial data sets (maps), covering themes like Freshwater, Population, Forests, Emissions, Climate, Disasters, Health and GDP. Display them on-the-fly as maps, graphs, data tables or download the data in different formats.
Aneki.com dedicated to world rankings and records. The say this about their own site"Aneki.com is an independent, privately operated website based in Montreal, Canada. We are dedicated to promoting wider knowledge of the world's countries and regions. Our website serves as a comprehensive source of continental and world rankings in an increasing number of categories. The data for our compilations is derived from numerous sources including United Nations agencies and the United States' Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook".
Podcasts and audio recordings from the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography.
Podcasts from African Studies Centre
School of Geography and the Environment Podcasts
At the University of Florida you will find a nice collection of historical African photos in their digital photographs of Africa Collection.
"The Photographs of Africa Collection includes photographs of Africa from various research projects and photographers. Currently, this growing collection includes select photographs by cinematographer/photographer Martin Rikli (1898-1969) documenting his Ethiopian (Abessinien) expedition from 1935-36, which coincided with the second Italo-Abyssinian War."
Their general African Collection you find here.
"The African Journal Archive is a retrospective digitisation project of full-text journal articles published in Africa, in the Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, providing access to a multi-disciplinary, multi-country digital archive of Africa’s research and cultural heritage contained in its journal literature."
"The African e-Journals Project makes journals published in Africa and about Africa more available to scholars worldwide.
The project offers two major resources. First, a directory of journals about Africa provides information about where to find tables of contents and abstracts, full text of articles online, and journal webpages, where they are available".
Columbia University Libraries has made a great list and overview of free map resources for Africa.
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