
Jolicloud for netbooks

Jolicloud is a new operating system for netbooks.I installed it on my ASUS EEE PC 900 yesterday. You could either download jolicloud-usb-creator-installer or use the good "old" unetbootin to create a bootable usb memory stick. I used unetbootin and the whole OS was up and running in just 15 minutes. The speed is the fastest I have experienced so far with my EEE PC 900, and I also like the one-click install from the jolicloud application directory. The look is also great. For those of you wanting the iso to install to do the above mentioned install here it is.

It's no excuse not to install this OS. It's simply great. (I am not paid to say this).

Compatible devices


PandaHome Home replacement app for Android.

PandaHome is by far the best home replacement app for Android. Having several options to tweak settings, either by going to the Theme settings options from the menu button, or by long pressing on the screen and choose Home Assistant, or by installing the widget PandaHome Toogle.
You could change font size and color, background color, wallpapers, Multi-screen, Themes, Drawer settings, Dockbar settings, picking automatic randomized themes, etc.

Google Googles application for Android.

Google just released the Google Googles application for Android, it's available through the android market. Sadly it's only available to customers that have firmware 1.6 (Donut) or 2.0.

"Google Goggles is a visual search app. Instead of using words, take a picture of an object with your camera phone: we attempt to recognize the object, and return relevant search results. Goggles also provides information about businesses near you by displaying their names directly in the camera preview".

Google Real-Time Search Is Now Live