
Upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 and problems with ATI Radeon HD 2400XT

ATI Radeon drivers and Ubuntu is certainly not a dance on roses. After the NTNU IT department installed dualboot with Windows Xp and Ubuntu 8.04 on my work machine everything went smooth, no problems at all, but the problems came when I wanted to upgrade to 9.04, the xorg.conf file had manually been edited and ATI radeon drivers had been downloaded and installed from the native ATI driver site. No support from the NTNU IT department, but I already knew that, I had to admin my machine by myself the day I decided to switch to dualboot, or to say it plain and simple, the day I moved to Ubuntu and Linux.

My screen never came to the Ubuntu boot up screen, meaning that the solution was to edit the xorg.conf file from the command shell prompt.

nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Put this lines under the heading "Device"

Save with CTRL + O and leave with CTRL + Q

If it doesn't work at first try add the command:

aticonfig --initial

Now Ubuntu 9.04 works with the awful ATI Radeon HD 2400XT drivers.

I hope this could be to any help for other people struggling with the same problem.


Ubuntu 9.04 jaunty jackalope

A huge speed boosting. The boot time is much quicker and everything else is running quicker too.
I love the feeling. It was installed and running smooth and wonderful 20.15 this evening.
That's what I love about linux and Ubuntu it's stable and without having to wonder what the hell is happening, it just do the work and is functioning.


BBC podcasts

BBC has a great selection and variety of available podcasts. The African continent is higlighted in
Africa Today and This Week in Africa

Rss Feed of the two podcasts:

Africa Today

This Week in Africa


Amendment 138 (now am. 46)

On Tuesday, April 21st at 20:00, the ITRE report of the Telecoms Package, rapported by Catherine Trautmann, will come to a vote in the ITRE (Industry, TRansport, Energy) committee.

It may reintroduce amendment 138 (now renumbered amendment 46), a crucial safeguard of user's rights on the Internet, and protection against the media industry private police and retribution called the "graduated response" or "three strikes" schemes. Am. 138 was approved by 88% of the European Parliament in first reading, on September 24th, 2008.


Pirate Bay verdict- The four accused in jail

The four accused in the Pirate Bay trial is all sentenced to 1 year in jail and to pay back 30 million Swedish Kroner. The swedish newspaper "aftonbladet" is mentioning that they have to pay back 10.822.500 swedish kroner to the filmcompany 21 Century Fox and 5.579.325 svenske kroner to Mgm and Columbia.

Pirate Bay Press Conference on Friday 13.00 CEST

Today the verdict in the Pirate Bay trial will fall, comments on the verdict will be announced on a digital streamed Press conference at the Pirate Bay site on Friday the 17th of April some minutes before 13.00 CEST (12pm GMT). The verdict would not mean much for the actual torrent tracker sites but, they will live on, but for the people behind Pirate Bay it could mean that they risk being in debt for the rest of their lives.

The author Paulo Coelho is giving his support to Pirate Bay, he has even said: “I am openly supporting their site. I even volunteered to travel to Sweden to discuss the case of open contents, but I never got a reply from them,” [TorrentFreak.com].

New generations are used to share and distribute music online. Given the fact that we have fewer and fewer record shops where we could buy music, and very poor amount of titles in stock in their catalogues it's obvious that the recording industry/record industry has failed to distribute music digitally in record shops online, one of the few exceptions is iTunes, earning a huge amount of money and giving the artists the money they deserve for their artistic work.

Why sites like Pirate Bay and other big tracking sites is succeding is that they could offer a wide variety of music and films, something for every taste, you have to have in mind that not everybody likes Britney Spears, mainstream pop and rock. etc.

A lot of those people genuinely interested in music, like myself, buy music in record shops, mostly online, having more well stocked catalogues, Shadowland (Storgata, Oslo) and Staalplaat (Berlin) or Second Hand boutiques in the physical world.

Those artists not having a major record deal, not having a huge distribution network behind them see the sharing culture online as a nice asset and way of promoting their music in a cheap and easy way. They go from the status of being unknown to beginning to get recognized.

The big recording companies is unhealthy businesses pumping out crap music not worth listening to. Why are they entitled to call what they make culture and art, it's music for the corrupted masses, teenagers with no ideas and thoughts of their own is tempted to buy the music because of heavy commercials promoting the music in every channel available.

The big recording companies is paying to get their artists to be reviewed and mentioned in newspapers etc. Who is standing up for the independent artists, those worth mentioning with an artistic integrity?
I have reviewed music for more than 10 years but the commercialist aspect of the music industry sickens me.

The Pirate Bay trial and outcome is important. Finally we get a "healthy" debate about the distribution of music.

I am not taking sides in the torrent tracker debate but think it's healthy to get a new and fresh start on how to distribute and share music. We have to face the fact that we have something called the internet with a waste amount of oppertunities.

Pirate Bay is just one of many distributors of copyright material. What about:

Streaming independent radio in general

Or those programs (clients) making it possible to use the torrent tracking technology:


Or built in torrent tracking in the Linux UBUNTU, Fedora OS distros like Transmission, Ktorrent etc.

It's really a complex picture with no easy solutions, putting 4 guys in jail won't silence the ongoing debate.


Add tweets to your Google search results in Firefox

I saw that one of the twitters I follow, Karen Blakeman, tweeted about a blogpost that she posted today. Through a interesting greasemonkey plugin and Twitter Search results on Google” script you could "enlarge" your Google Search.

Kompetansebygging 2.0 Møte i Second Life 08.30-10.00

Posted with LifeCast

Kompetansebygging 2.0 Møte i Second Life den 16 April klokka 08.30-10.00 ved UBIT (Universitetsbiblioteket i Trondheim).


iCloud-Free online computer

After 8 years in the making has swedish Xcerion finally finished the online "computer" Icloud. I have made myself a user profile and tried it with Firefox running under Ubuntu 8.10 OS. It's quite a slow experience and iCloud has compatibility problems.


The Africa Guide

The Africa Guide:African Safaris,Tours,Holidays and Travel Guides. Simply a lot of information and resources about Africa.

WhyGo travelguide

"Each WhyGo Guide is created by writers who are truly passionate about their country, region, or theme. Part guide book, part blog, WhyGo Guides feature first-hand travel information to help you have the best experience on and off the tourist track".