

Afrigator: African blogs,video,photos and social media. A mix of everything. A great look inside what's happening in the african blogging sphere.


Microsoft and iPhone

Microsoft Live Labs has launched Seadragon Mobile på iPhone.With the help of Seadragon you can now see giga-pixel images on your iPhone.You can browse Deep Zoom Images that you can create from your own pictures or your Photosynth collection (or anybody else's).Seadragon Mobile is available for free at the iTunes App Store.


The Facebook project - Research & Resource

About the Facebook Project

The Facebook Project... has changed.

Originally started as a sociology research project by Jeff Ginger, a graduate student at the University of Illinois, the endeavor has expanded to include several researchers, students, librarians, and enthusiasts who all have an important interest in common: Facebook.

This website is a hub to our intellect. Our efforts are specialized and yet reflect a measure of cognitive diversity; our collective aim is to help visitors better document, understand, and employ Facebook.com and its many impacts and implications. We hope to provide through this website an effective resource for researchers, educators, and librarians. The persons involved come from backgrounds including anthropology, sociology, library and information science, human-computer interactions, psychology, and more. Each contributor has his or her own areas of study and all of us join forces in shared interests.


Hooraayy YouTube is working again

YouTube is working again on norwegian iPhone/iPod Touch. After having wondered quite a while about what was wrong the YouTube service has finally started to work again.