
Eduroam on iPhone/iPod Touch- Wi-Fi

Here is a small description on how to use eduroam on your iPhone/iPod Touch, unfortunately the "userguide" is only in norwegian.

iPhone version of Library Sharings with a little help of Mofuse



The world'd first mobile with Google Android

HTC G1 Dream is the 1st mobile phone with Google Android as operating system. Take a look here.


New iPhone/iPod Touch update. Version 2.1

Through the latest iTunes version 8 you could now download the latest software, version 2.1 for your iPhone/iPod Touch. One of the best new updates is significantly better battery life for most users, and also the reduced time to backup to iTunes.


eIFL.net-Free e-resources

"eIFL.net is a not for profit organisation that supports and advocates for the wide availability of electronic resources by library users in transitional and developing countries". Here is a listing of free e-resources from their site.


Develop for iPhone

Here is James Black's tutorial on how to develop for iPhone from scratch.


More search web engines added ...

More web search engines has been added to my searching through bookmarklets "widget". Several of them solely relying upon Google's custom search.


cuil-Just another web search engine?

Cuil are indexing and harvesting "more" resources than Google they claim. The results are being presented in quite a different way than with Google, the strength being a clean look and a bigger abstract.

Google Chrome an open source web browser

Today we will probably see the beta release of Google's Chrome open source web browser. You could read more about the project on this Wikipedia pages or through this Google made cartoon.