
Libraries and Facebook

Jane Secker, London School of Economics and Political Science has made a great paper on Libraries and Facebook in the series LASSIE:Libraries and Social Software in Education. Here you could find a link to other finished and still ongoing projects.

BBC Radio podcast OPML

Now you could get an overview of the BBC podcasts through opml, just look here

Feedogator-Searching feeds for you.

Feedogator,a very nice feed searching tool indexing a huge amount of feeds. Through to search Feedogator through a bookmarklet interface

Forum for the Conference of Directors of National Libraries in Asia and Oceania

CDNLAO Newsletter contains a lot of interesting reading about library development in Asia and Oceania. This region is probably the region having pushed the library a big step closer to what we could expect of libraries in the future. Do yourself a favor and check out this website containing this free online journal (ISSN:1344-722x).


WordPress to Create iPhone Web Apps

Build Entire iPhone Web Apps from WordPress. Yes it's possible, just check this site. No messy codes and hacking.


Searchable geographic directory with 6.000.000+ geographic locations all over the world.Try to find a location here.

GeoClue: The Geoinformation Service

Geoclue is a modular geoinformation service built on top of the D-Bus messaging system. The goal of the Geoclue project is to make creating location-aware applications as simple as possible.

Geoclue is Free Software, licensed under GNU LGPL. It is developed for Linux, but should be portable to any platform that uses D-Bus.

Geoclue defines a set of geoinformation APIs, but it also includes some providers that implement those APIs. Here is a list of services provided through Geoclue with the currently included implementations.


Worldmapper is a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest. There are now nearly 600 maps.

Wordpress blogging

Wordpress has been choosen as the internal blogging platform for NTNU Library (UBiT) in Trondheim. I have been busy the last couple of days to look at the different aspects of Wordpress. Obviously Wordpress has quite some advantages like for instance tagging blog postings and also other features. It also has the ability to import all your blog postings from earlier used blogging platforms. I would probably continue this blog because Wordpress blogging at UBIT is firstly meant to be for internal matters and I prefer to have my blog open for the whole world. The Wordpress server version is hosted by BIBSYS and admin for Wordpress is my good colleague Rurik Greenall. The wordpress blogs at UBIT will have IP check and you will have to log on with username and password or you will have to log on with a VPN ipsec connection to vpn.ntnu.no.
My wordpress blog could be found at the following adress: http://ubit.blogs.bibsys.no/joost


Excess Baggage BBC Radio 4

Excess Baggage, a great resource on BBC Radio 4 with podcasts on different travel destinations around the world. Just sit down and let yourself be swept away to foreign travel destinations. It could also be an invaluable help planning your next trip.


Facebook Apps Are Still for Toddlers...

A small article making a interesting point, just scroll down to the chart at the bottom of the article, a Facebook Application Breakdown delivered by FlowingData .


Huge gap in DDC 22

It's a huge gap in the DDC(Dewey Decimal Classification)22 when it comes to finding the right classification number on books about "new" emerging trends and technology on the web. The web 2.0 and beyond is not covered at all. More and more libraries are spending money on technology to improve our online services while still having their physical libraries with books still made out of paper. To have system and order in our physical book collection we need to give our books a classification number, a lot of libraries use dewey.

What should we do about the problem? I once tried to send a mail to those people behind the 025.431 Dewey Blog but never got any answer back. It should be added that my question was more specified than just the lack of good dewey numbers to cover "new" web trends.

I guess a very dedicated librarian only has their special beloved dewey numbers and nothing else matters?

But I think this is quite a important issue deserving to be taken more serious.

Should librarians around the world join forces and demand important updates in the DDC?

The webdewey is no better on this subject.

Pando-The solution to handle large media files?

Pando is a free P2P software making it easy to to download, stream and share large files. I have tried it and its a great product, I am not paid to say this, it my honest opinion. Give it a try.

* Publish downloadable videos, photos and audio to any web site
* Email files and folders up to 1GB
* Use your existing email, no registration required
* Know if your files are downloaded and how often
* No need to be online when recipients download
* No compression, FTP or flaky web uploads
* IM links to your files or entire folders to any IM buddy


Disruptive Library Technology Jester

We're disrupted, we're librarians, and we're not going to take it anymore is the catchy undertitle of this active library blog with several interesting library technology postings by Peter E.Murray. He is Assistant Director, New Service Development OhioLINK: The Ohio Information and Library Network. His blog could be found here. I spent quite some time reading his postings.

Oblige staff to make all their published research available online.

Following in the footsteps of Harvard University now the University of Sterling is the first UK academic institution to oblige staff to make all their published research available online. Like so many other open online resarch repositories its powered by Dspace. The STORRE repository could be found here. This is really a very good step in the right direction.


iPhone 2.0 software preview

I picked up this article on Paul Thurrot's supersite for Windows. Hopefully ipod Touch will be blessed with some of the same functionalities, but probably you have to pay for the update. Finally the update will bring pure ipsec protocol support for VPN so that university campus licenced resources would be available for those of us solely relying upon ipsec support.


Biblibabl opml through Grazr

Here is the Bibliobabl opml file from Marius Engers "library feed harvesting" site presented through Grazr feed reader. If you browse with Iphone/Ipod Touch point to this url for the best optimalization.

Some Facebook library links

Here is a list of useful links for libraries about Facebook.

Facebook Developers Wiki
Get productive with Facebook Apps
How to Develop a Hit Facebook App: 29 Essential Tools and Tutorials
Top Ten Facebook Apps for Librarians
Introduction to Facebook, Gerry McKiernan
The Standford Facebook Class-making Facebook applications

Payments: Critical for Social Network App Platforms?

Today I stumbled upon a interesting blog posting about what requirements needed to make a "succesful" Facebook application. You could find the posting here.


Facebook Applications Search

Here is the possiblity to search through the Facebook applications available inside Facebook. Vipos is presenting a quick and simple search through the applications.


bbc.co.uk- Standards and guidelines

This site details all standards & guidelines for developing and delivering products and services for bbc.co.uk. A guide well worth browsing through considering the many great efforts from BBC lately when it comes to developing the web for the future.
One good example as mentioned earlier is their great new main website at bbc.co.uk and several new webapps for the Iphone:

BBC Mobile

BBC Podcasts for iPhone