
Iphone/Ipod Touch Webapps

Here is a small collection of webapps presented in a Grazr widget layout optimized for Iphone. The opml reading list is a collection of webapps that I have found useful. The list have no direct links to bookmarklets due to the fact that if you want a functional reading list you have to include the "http:// tag", a tag not included in javascript bookmarklets, but I have links to collection of bookmarklets presented on webpages.


Bookmarklets and Ipod Touch/Iphone

Safari bookmarklets could make your information retrieval a lot easier when using Ipod Touch or Iphone. A bookmarklet is an applet, a small computer application, stored as the URL of a bookmark in a web browser or as a hyperlink on a web page. The term is a portmanteau of the terms bookmark and applet.

Whether bookmarklet utilities are stored as bookmarks or hyperlinks, they are designed to add one-click functionality to a browser or web page. When clicked, a bookmarklet performs some function, one of a wide variety such as a search query or data extraction. Usually the applet is a JavaScript program.

Here is some links to actual bookmarklets and the topic:


AndyBudd bookmarklets

is a small selfmade bookmarklet to conduct a simple search in the Norwegian BIBSYS library catalogue system.
Here is a bookmarklet for copy and paste functionality not yet present with iphone/ipod Touch.


PDAs, Handhelds and Mobile Technologies in Libraries

Here comes a resource list on the topic collected by Megan K Fox Web & Electronic Resources Librarian Simmons College Library. In growing numbers libraries has to deal with handheld mobile technologies.


"This blogs twin brother"

Take a look at the exported xml file in a new wordpress template at this location.

Mobispine-Rss feeds on the go...

Mobispine-Your favourite news, blogs and feeds on the go. Direct your mobile browser to get.mobispine.com and download the mobile client. Once you have an account you could add rss bookmarks and export/import opml files. Once you have downloaded the mobile client your unique Mobispine UserID and password could be easily found in the Mobispine application on your mobile. This you have to use to log onto your account on your PC to customize your feeds list.


Web site tip of the day-Mister Wong

Mister Wong is one of the leading social bookmarking services with portals in 6 languages and over 4 million visitors per month.
This is a great site with a huge amount of interesting links to subject related topics, latest technology, or just plain bookmark storing and sharing.

SDK for Iphone/Ipod Touch released

Finally Apple has released their SDK for Iphone/Ipod Touch making it possible for developers to make applications. The SDK package could be downloaded here. Technical Requirements: Intel processor-based Mac running Mac OS X Leopard.

Book tip of the day

Peter Stark: At the mercy of the river ISBN:0-345-44181-8

A true exploration of the last african wilderness. A breathtaking journey down the Lugenda River in the Niassa province of Mozambique. The 750-kilometeres rivercourse is largely uncharted-dotted with rapids, waterfalls and home to deadly crocodiles and hippos. Another challenge was the fact that two of his four travel companions were not skilled kayakers.


The Western Association of Map Libraries is an independent association of map librarians and other people with an interest in maps and map librarianship. The principal Region Map Collections of The Western Association of Map Libraries you could find here.

Blogging Libraries Wiki

A collection of links to library blogs, really nothing more, but it could be helpful for those looking for such links.....

Online course devoted to teaching librarians about social software

"Five Weeks to a Social Library is the first free, grassroots, completely online course devoted to teaching librarians about social software and how to use it in their libraries".