Web browsing on your mobile phone
I am really waiting for Firefox to make a web browsing solution for the Symbian OS on mobile phones, with their Minimo project they seem to only aim the Windows Mobile market. Why? Her is a list of compatible devices so far. You already have Miniopera for mobile phones, but it gives you far from a pleasant browsing experience, but that's probably because his big brother is not much better.
Virpi Roto connected to the nokia research team has written a doctoral dissertation about the subject, you could read the dissertation here
Test your web design in different browsers.
A nice service to see if your design meet the different browser settings, etc.
Anthropology Matters
"Welcome to Anthropology Matters, an initiative developed by postgraduates for postgraduates, researchers and early career anthropologists. This site aims to stimulate discussion on the production of anthropological knowledge through a focus on training, teaching, research and writing. Anthropology Matters currently features a thriving peer-reviewed academic journal, a directory of anthropologists and their interests, access to teaching, learning and other resources and a well used e-mail list where we share word of conferences, seminars and news of other events.
We believe that the building up of a community of postgraduates, researchers and early career anthropologists is a vital part of the rejuvenation of anthropology as a discipline. We also believe that this must be beyond the confines of any individual department, if the tremendous postgraduate enthusiasm we know exists is to be harnessed to its fullest potential. Positioned on the margins of the mainstream academic community we pose the kinds of questions that encourage postgraduates to be intellectually adventurous, and to provide support for the transition from student to academic or applied anthropologist.
Our values are of openess and inclusiveness, reflected in a growing steering committee with representatives from six anthropology departments in the UK. We welcome all comments and contributions on any aspect of our site and agenda, and hope that you will join us in realising our collective vision!" [text taken from their site].
Here is a link to their journal "Anthropology Matters" with some great fulltext articles with ideas for other anthropologists.
Anthropology Resources on the Internet
Major site for anthropology; winner of many awards.
WWW Virtual Library : Anthropology
Well-regarded, extensive site for academic resources
Links to good and interesting subject related wikis on wetpaint.com
[1]Nadine Edwards the Subject Librarian for International Development, Refugee Studies and NGO Management at University of East London has a wiki called "International Development, Refugee Studies & NGO Management UEL Library wiki".
[2]This wiki has been set-up as part of the Kent District Library's effort to encourage staff to experiment and learn about the new and emerging technologies that are reshaping the context of information today.
[3] Emerging media and new technology sessions. Delivered at the State Library of Queensland (slq).A monthly demonstration for library staff at the State Library and Queensland public libraries of emerging new media and technologies developed. Here is the wiki.
More mobilizing services
"This site is designed for mobile browsers. With minimal input you can access a vast amount of information from your mobile device". [TEXT TAKEN FROM THE WAMPAD.COM SITE]Here is this blog transcoded by Google Mobile.
Here is this blog transcoded by the ByWiFi service.
Fireuploader-A nice addon uploader for Firefox
This addon for Firefox is really a special treat for those of you not satisfied with the possibility to upload pictures through Picasa, Flickr etc. The addon could manage a huge amount of different accounts, either with the same service or different services. Fireuploader is supporting this services:
Google Docs in Firefox Sidebar
Google Docs Bar is a Firefox extension that shows the list of documents from Google Docs in the sidebar. The extension has many features from Google's file explorer: you can search for a file, restrict the list to documents,spreadsheets or presentations and view a certain folder (the subfolders aren't yet supported).A great feature that makes this extension more valuable is uploading files using drag and drop. Drag one or more files from Windows Explorer to the sidebar and they'll be uploaded in the background. For those who are worried about security, the extension sends your credentials directly to Google and stores them in Firefox's password manager. After installing the extension, you can make the sidebar visible by going to View > Sidebar > Google Docs Bar. The sidebar will always show the list of documents and it's useful if you frequently use Google Docs.
[text above from this blog:http://googlesystem.blogspot.com]
Podcasts from the sfAA ( Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology) Brought to you by the society for applied anthropology & the univerisity of North Texas.
Some interesting podcasts in applied anthropology.
BBC -Geography Teachers Hot Links
A great resources with some very good linked resources, they also have links to other subject teacher resources.
Online atlas-National Geographic
Through their MapMachine powered by ESRI they have online street maps, world maps, satelitte maps, print maps and several theme maps. A great resource that you have to check out.
Historical Maps
From this link you will find a nice collection of historical maps with index of places in ancient times.