
Hello again,

Then we have a free trial of RLG's Anthropology Plus (a free 30- day trial).That really went very quick. This trial will run from 27 March through 27 April 2007. Please go to http://eureka.rlg.org. Enter the following RLG account and password:.... (I will mail every staff member at the Social Anthropology Institute here at Dragvoll, NTNU and give you the account and password).

Best regards,

Joost Hegle

Through the SFX@metalib (e-ubit) portal its possible for students and staff members at NTNU library to search for e-journals in their particular subject. In anthropology you will find that we have 222 journals in fulltext, several of this journals are not licenced paid journals, but free e-journals. I have extracted those journals that are free, you will find them under the heading "Anthropology# Free_E-Journals" and you will find them in this particular posting.

In geography they have singeled out Geographic Information Systems & Remote Sensing as a subject like any other subject, kind of strange I think, considering the fact that it is one of the key subjects and major research areas in Geography.
The pulldown menu could also be found in the right frame under the heading "Geography free e-journals"
So for an overview of the free e-journals available in geography I have made one pulldown menu listing "both" subjects:


Today we have finally gotten a free trial of Anthrosource for those of you connected to NTNU within the right ip range, sitting on campus that shouldn't be a problem but if you use your computer from home be sure to read the following instructions (in norwegian only).
Hopefully we will also soon have a free trial of RLG's Anthropology Plus (a free 30- day trial).


I have just bought another beautiful book with pictures from Africa called: "Faces of Africa", it is to be found on the same place on our shelves as "Vanishing Africa" that I mentioned in an earlier posting,770.96 (DDC-Dewey).


Popular topics in anthropology & geography. Searches generated through BIBSYS using dewey classification(DDC)Dragvoll Library,NTNU,Norway


For those of you not already familiar with the norwegian national geographic portal, geoNorge, take a look here You will find several useful resources.

A good resource dealing with international affairs is CIAO [Columbia international affairs online].
This is what they say about their own website:
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is the most comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. It publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 onward that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs.

For those of you concerned with African Studies you will find several working papers, occasional papers, etc with topics about different african countries.


I have just added some other useful NTNU library resources under a pulldown menu called "NTNU other resources available", they are more general and not related to any particular subject,here.


I have tried to generate searches through BIBSYS Ask on several african countries,just click on the country flag and you will get a list of books showing available books in our collection at Dragvoll Library, on the right column together with the name of the capital you will find different Dewey classification numbers from the Oslo library catalogue, look here.

If you are using the Firefox browser you will find that there is several add-ons you could use to improve your daily computer sessions. If you have Greasemonkey installed I came across platypus, this add-on could customize webpages and you could change them the way you want them to look. You could erase elements, modify url's, and fix pages in different ways. Why not remove the elements on a webpage you don't like?


Sometimes when crawling the web you find some good and useful resources, today I found free available resources from Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Smithsonian contributions to anthropology, look here


Today I had a nice meeting with some of the staff members at Sosialantropologisk institutt,Dragvoll, NTNU. I presented the problems in connection with printed journals and e-journals. It's not easy to get a complete picture of the whole journal publishing business.David against Goliath? They are in many ways regulating what our users should read...
Here is a resume of the meeting held today.

Feel free to contact me.....