From Taylor & Francis, one of the big publishers of fulltext journal in geography, we have the following titles available in this subjects:
Built Environment
Development Studies
Planning and Urban Development
In anthropology and archaeology the following titles are available.
To get hold of the actual online content, articles, you should look to your right and click on the link with the words "Online Contents".
Like Project Muse and Sage Premier also Taylor & Francis has the possibility to subscribe to RSS feeds to get information about the latest articles indexed and available for different journal titles, just press the RSS feed button (take a look at earlier postings about RSS feeds), just type in RSS at the top in the Search blog
box and you will be guided to the postings about RSS feeds.
As earlier mentioned in previous postings we now have Project Muse and Sage Premier, almost 800 journals in full-text, some subjects are better represented than others, but it's a nice addition to our previous collection of journals.
Project Muse divided into the subjects that I am occupied with:
Sage Premier:
Anthropology & Archaeology
Geography & Environmental Science
One of Norway's best known social anthropologist, Jan Brøgger,died last year.He not only made a name for himself through his books and popular lectures, but also with his sharp pen as an columnist in the biggest norwegian newspapers. I have conducted a search through the ATEKST (retriever) database and searched for articles written by Jan Brøgger from 1990 up until today. I have converted the search results to one PDF document with direct url links to the articles.
This will only be available for students and staff members connected to NTNU University.
The link is also available under the pulldown menu "Anthropology (e-resources)/Blogs".
Today I have added a very nice collection of interviews, several of them filmed by Alan MacFarlane, he has taught at the Department of Social Anthropology Cambridge University for over thirty-three years.
Background to the collection:
The interviews were started by Jack Goody in 1982. He arranged for the filming of seminars by Audrey Richards, Meyer Fortes and M.N.Srinivas. Since then, with the
help of others, and particularly Sarah Harrison, I have filmed and edited over forty archival interviews with leading anthropologists, historians,ethno-musicologists, international travellers and others.
We started by using low-band U-matic tape and the quality is not good. Later, digital cameras became available and the most recent films (e.g. Geertz), were made on a Sony three chip camera using a radio microphone. Mark Turin managed to transfer films from a variety of formats to DV tapes and developed the web application. Sarah Harrison has done most of the later transfers to mp4 and has made the summaries of the interviews.
Recently the advent of a large digital store in Cambridge, DSpace, has made it possible to mount the collection for the web. This has been done with the help of Tom de Mulder and Xiaoxiao Yan and financial support from the British Academy.
(Taken from:
I have converted the webpage containing the interviews into a PDF document with clickable url's, just click the pictures and you will get the interviews. The pictures leads you to the shortened version of the interviews,if you would like to watch the whole interviews it's probably smart to download the interviews, some of them are more than 0,5 GB, most of the interviews are in .mov (quicktime) format.
You find the link to the PDF document under the pulldown menu:"Anthropology (e-resources)/Blogs".
You will also find a collection of Alan MacFarlane lectures, both in transcripted text and filmed, in Social Anthropology underneath the same pulldown menu.
Today I would like to recommend one of the most astonishing and beautiful photographic documentations of Africa I have ever seen: "Vanishing Africa", along with the book you get at 28 minute long DVD. The italian photographer Gianni Giansanti take us along on a journey to several remote located ethnic groups in Ethiopia. His camera lens is capturing daily rituals, different tribal customs and very colorful ethnic groups.
You are being blown away by the strong colors and contrasts. The book is a celebration of the true beauty of this different ethnic groups.
The 6th of March 2007 Ghana will celebrate its 50th birthday as independent country.
It was the first black African country to obtain independence from colonial rule.
In our library at Dragvoll,NTNU,Trondheim we have made a small display case with books and bookcovers from our own collections to show some of the literature available about Ghana.
I have tried to conduct some searches through BIBSYS on available books in our own collection here at Dragvoll library:
Ghana and culture (306.09667?-dewey, DDC classification)
Ghana and history (966.7?-dewey, DDC classification)
Or you could make you own search in BIBSYS Ask by typing in keywords in the predefined fields box and combine it with for instance "Select search field: Department:Dragvoll" if you only want to search our collections, or you could let it stand on default which means you will be searching in the whole of the library database (all connected BIBSYS libraries in Norway).
Why not listen to some african music while working?
I am now listening to Radio Yabiladi (128 kps is not bad),100 % moroccan music, live radio. The link you could find in the pull down menu "African studies resources on the www...", just pick Mick's Radio World and click Go.
A YouTube video:
What do you know about geospatial data?
(Straßenumfrage zum Thema Geodaten)
Have added several new links under the pulldown menu "Geography blogs/podcasts".
I have added some great new free linked resources to the "Africa e-books/journals" pull down menu that's worth a look.
I have also added a new pull down menu called "African Studies-blog", here you will find the BlogAfrica with a huge list of available Africa related blogs.
For you those of you interested in geography I have added the great
free podcasting of courses from Berkeley University, California, courses from spring 2006 until spring 2007 in the following courses:
Spring 2006: Geo 130 Natural Resources and Population
Fall 2006: Geo 10 World Regions, Peoples, and States
Geog 110 Economic Geography of the Industrial World
Look under the section Geography blogs/podcasts
Today I have added Project Muse RSS feeds and also RSS feeds for some anthropological journal, it's all available from the right frame, in alphabetical order.
Today I have added a pulldown menu with links to geography blogs from around the world. I hope you find something interesting there, its everything from geography in general to more specialized blogs about for instance GIS.
A handy tool when you are having trouble linking to RSS feeds and don't want to make a Live bookmark out of them in Firefox is to use feedburner. You have to make a feedburner account but that's done in a few seconds.