
Firefox 3-News features

Firefox has had a "major" facelift. Several new features, here you could find a link to top New Features in Firefox 3. I have personally experienced a bit of problems with sound when playing music or video through browser embedded media players (YouTube,Metacafe...), the browser also sometimes tend to slow down and don't react to input you give. It's probably all related to "baby sickness", the product will definetly mature when all bugs are repaired.


Facebook apps through Widgetbox (2)

Here are some newly made applications for Facebook:

Bookmarklets search
Library Sharings (this blogs) newsfeed
Common dewey numbers in anthropology at NTNU library
Common dewey numbers in geography at NTNU library


Creating Facebook applications through third party software

Widgetbox the "world's biggest widget directory and gallery" has now made it very easy to make Facebook applications through their software in addition to Facebook developers application platform. You could export your feeds in RSS/Atom or Opml format or simply use their text widget option and paste "every" code you want to into the widget. They also allow export to several other sosial networks and platforms.

Ubit 2010-Suhm huset-Kalvskinnet, Trondheim

The 17th of june we (UBIT2010) held a small presentation to our UBIT colleagues to show what we have done so far in our project. The presentation lacked details and had the broader perspective in mind. I had a small presentation about the possibilities for libraries in Facebook.


The National Library of Norway and Google book search

Today I came across this interesting blog posting about the national library of Norway and Google book search (GBS). I am sorry that this blog posting is only available in norwegian, bad luck I guess, or the fact that the actual blog is only posting for a norwegian reading audience.


"script.aculo.us provides you with easy-to-use, cross-browser user interface JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly".


Google Translate

Google translate is helping you to translate between certain languages, not every translation is working/correct, a lot of improvements has to be made to call it a good translator, but you could contribute to make it better by suggesting your translation instead of the one you are given. It's far better than babelfish, but I suppose that doesn't qualify for much bearing in mind that babelfish is crap.


Making offline web content with data urls

You have several commercial products making it possible to download webpackages of online web content in order to later use it offline, but this could also be done quite easily by using data url and free generating solutions like for instance the URI kitchen Here is this blog in a offline data url version.