
Twitter spam

For those of you not having a real life this is a blacklist of real twitter idiots. Some may even say having a Twitter account is already a sign that your life is going downhill and your "real" friends have deserted you? How knows?
What are you doing now?....

The Guardian-Libraries unleashed

Thanks to colleague Even Flood for pointing out this interesting links about the challenge that libraries face in this technological shifting times. Several interesting link well worth reading.


Facebook activity breakdown

Here is chart statistics from compete about what the Facebook users did in August 2007. That 22 million users signed in is quite impressive.


Libraries and Facebook

Several libraries are present in Facebook but what have they to offer? Do the Facebook users expect to find library resources in Facebook? This is a question that probably quite a few "tech-librarians" have asked themselves. When potential library user never use our regular library site/homepage the challenge is to meet the user on their homeground. Norway is the country in the world most active on Facebook, almost 1,2 million users and only 4 million inhabitants. That's amazing.
When presenting library resources in Facebook the clue is probably to keep it simple and clean like for instance the Google search. Facebook's main focus is without doubt the social aspect, meeting friends, have fun and share items. You could choose between 20 600 applications in Facebook, most of them built just for the purpose of having fun.
Why should the users choose library applications?
I think the answer is to be found in the word "quality". A lot a people have already had enough of crappy apps, it's even led to the creation of a Facebook group called:
"Putting the app in crap". My colleague Rurik Greenall has created a nice and clean looking Facebook app making it possible to search in BIBSYS Ask (the norwegian library catalogue) and also to log onto their personalized "my page" function inside BIBSYS Ask and manage their book orders, book renewals.

Let Facebook become more than just a continuation of puberty.
"Putting the quality back in apps".
Here is a taste of the BIBSYS Ask search made by Rurik Greenall.

Bibliobabl-collected blog postings

With Bibliobabl Marius Enger has collected library Rss feeds and shows news postings from this blogs worth mentioning. You could scroll through the newest recommendations, newest postings or most popular postings.

Public Lectures and events:podcasts

The London School of Economics and political science (LSE) has several very interesting podcasts available on their site for free. Their site is well worth checking out. The podcasts are all available in mp3 format, a relief indeed to see that someone finally has understood. Podcasting in wma, real audio, etc. is no way to go, keep it available for every human being and post in the mp3 format that's the solution.


Travel Guides

It's again the time of year to take a look in travel guides and plan your summer holiday. Here is a small list of available publishers sites.
Culture Smart!
Eyewitness Travel Guides
Insight Guides
Lonely Planet
Rough Guides
Thomas Cook
Time Out

Here is small list of what we have available here at Dragvoll library.

Geography network - access a world of information

The Geography network is a global network of geographic information users and providers. The Geography Network is managed and maintained by ESRI, the world leader in the geographic information system (GIS) industry. The site is quite interesting and well worth look at.


My own budget code for buying books for African Studies

I have "finally" gotten my own budget code for buying books for African studies. I would be more than happy receiving book suggestions. It's not a very big budget but its a start. This is our collection for african studies bought in recent years. So if you have a title not on the list and just couldn't wait to tell me about it why not give me a reply/comment.


Project Muse journals-RSS feeds table of contents

Here is a Grazr widget with the Project MUSE RSS feeds of their indexed journals and their table of contents.

Today's Book Recommendation: Ancient marks : the sacred origins of tattoos and body marking

A beautiful book about tattoos and body modification. Lots of nice black and white photos collected through journeys made by Chris Rainier. It's photos of a lot of different people in different settings. You could find the book in our library collection at this location.

Dimdim-Free live meeting, Web conference..

Dimdim is a free web meeting service based on open source platform. Here you could share desktops, show slides, chat, interact via webcam etc.

Newseum - Daily newspaper front pages

Newseum, watch 621 daily newspaper front pages from 61 countries. A nice way to start off your day at work?


Nice features in the ask.com blogsearch

The Ask.com search engine has nice features in the blogsearch interface making it possible to export to different platforms.

Ping your blog easily

Through the blogflux service you could ping you blog and notify several different services about your new blog updates, services like feedster, feedburner, technorati etc. Give it a try!


Google search on Iphone

Google has 50 times more searches on Apple‘s iPhone than any other mobile handset. A remarkable trend definetly worth mentioning. See article

MSN-75 green websites.

75 green websites, a project collecting resources for finding the best information on environmental issues on the web today.

Yahoo! GREEN

Yahoo! GREEN, a section of Yahoo focusing on green environmental issues and sustainable environment.


The world's biggest free book club. 661 304 people in over 130 countries. Signing up is free and could be done here.

Radical cartography

Radical cartography, a collection of fun,spectacular and lovely maps, some standard maps,links on GIS data, Google Earth layers and a recommended reading list.


The Qwika search engine indexes 1158 wikis in 12 languages searching a total of 21,964,380 articles.

Open Source Geospatial Foundation

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation has been created to support and build the highest-quality open source geospatial software. The foundation's goal is to encourage the use and collaborative development of community-led projects.


MapServer is an Open Source development environment for building spatially-enabled internet applications. MapServer is not a full-featured GIS system, nor does it aspire to be. Instead, MapServer excels at rendering spatial data (maps, images, and vector data) for the web.


OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world.OpenStreetMap allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from anywhere on Earth.


The GeoNames geographical database is available for download free of charge under a creative commons attribution license. It contains over eight million geographical names and consists of 6.5 million unique features whereof 2.2 million populated places and 1.8 million alternate names. All features are categorized into one out of nine feature classes and further subcategorized into one out of 645 feature codes. (more statistics ...).
The data is accessible free of charge through a number of webservices and a daily database export. GeoNames is already serving up to over 11 million web service requests per day.