
Mobilizing web content
Andanza-Mobile menus in spanish but easy to understand.

More and more services on the web are offering services to create and transport regular web content on to your mobile/cellular phone. By using the Andanza services I have mobilized this blog and made it mobile "friendly", direct your mobile browser to the following url address: http://m.andanza.com/ubitlibrary_blogspot



Create your own Wiki very easy and quick by using the software from wetpaint.com I have made a few suggestions here.


Some ideas about the future of our libraries. What will the library look like in 2018?


NTNU Multimediesenteret and their Mediasite presentation catalog

Multimediesenteret at NTNU is offering the possibility to film lectures and make them available through their mediasite presentation catalog or you could simply put it inside the LMS It's Learning. For African studies (Afrikastudier) the following lectures/presentations are available.


National Geographic

In the article "Travels with iPod" by Andrew Nelson  you could read about how Ubiquitous MP3 players have altered the way we travel. Through 9 selected links he guides us through some of the ways we could use our iPod to enrich our travel experiences.


Some selected library resources

Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain.
LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain.

LivRe! is the portal developed by CNEN - Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (Brazilian National Nuclear Energy Commission),through its  CIN
- Centro de Informações Nucleares (Nuclear Information Center),aiming to ease  the identification and the access to free journals available on the Internet.

NYPC DigitalGallery
NYPL Digital Gallery provides access to over 550,000 images digitized from primary sources and printed rarities in the collections of The New York Public Library, including illuminated
, historical
, vintage
, rare prints
and photographs,
illustrated books,
printed ephemera, and more.

Rare book room
The "Rare Book Room" site has been constructed as an educational site intended to allow the visitor to examine and read some of the great books of the world. Over the last ten years, a company called "Octavo" embarked on digitally photographing some of the world ’s great books from some of the greatest libraries. These books were   photographed at very high resolution (in some cases at over 200 megabytes per page).
This site contains all of the books (about 400) that have been digitized to date. These range over a wide variety of topics and rarity. The books are presented so that the viewer can examine all the pages in medium to medium-high resolution.

World ebook Library Consortia

Housed in World Public Library Multi-Terabyte servernetwork is the world's largest digital archive of PDF eBooks and eDocuments. Our collection hosts more than 500,000+ PDF eBooks and eDocuments.As a member you will have complete access to the entire collection. Our collection is constantly growing. Our projection is to reach 600,000 by fall of 2008.


The true beauty of libraries

The book "Libraries" by Candida Höfer and with an introduction by Umberto Eco is a real journey into the beauty of or physical book collections around the world, it makes people reconsider the thought that everything has to become available online, this is a tribute to those taking care of our national heritage and history.

Here is a taste of some of the libraries:

British Library and their "Turning the pages" project

Try to turn the pages in some of the beautiful books in the British library collection. The books are being opened with the use of shockwave, if you don't have or want to use shockwave there are alternative versions. Among the books in the award winning turning the pages project you will find Mercator's Atlas from the 1570s, Mercator was one of the most known map makers of the 16th century.

Read Print

A great free online resource for books, poems and short stories.


Webaroo-Your web to go-Mobilizing web content

It's becoming more and more common to offer webpackages and possibilities to study web content on the go on your mobile phone, or even offline stored in packages always available. Webaroo is one producer offering this possibility. You could also take the content of this blog with you, just press the button in the bottom of the right column of this blog. If you feel that the link depth of 5 is too much and takes to long to download just download webaroo and choose your own link depth for your web package.

Happy new year to all you blog readers!

I hope the new year will bring a lot of new gadgets, widgets and resources to write about on this blog. Last year was certainly a year with a lot of new products seeing the daylight.