
IM (Instant Messaging) with Pidgin

Pidgin is an instant messaging program for Windows, Linux, BSD, and other
Unixes. You can talk to your friends using AIM, ICQ, Jabber/XMPP, MSN
Messenger, Yahoo!, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, Novell Google Talk, GroupWise Messenger,QQ,Lotus Sametime, SILC,    SIMPLE, MySpaceIM, and Zephyr. The client you could download here. No administration rights is needed to install the client!


Workshop on blogging (blogger.com), Google account & Google Talk

As a part of the IT strategy for NTNU library, facing the future, we had our 2nd workshop Friday the 23th of November held at Dragvoll Library. It was a workshop showing library employees how to make a simple blog and how to use instant messaging (Google Talk) in order to communicate in a more efficient way than with regular mail. This is just one of several workshops planned to increase the level of IT knowledge  among our employees. The tools picked for this particular workshop was just examples of how you can use tools, for the simplicity we picked all the tools from Google, but they are not necessarily those we decide to use in the future.
I made a widget for the occasion with some of the same links as those you find in my previously made widget in the right column of this blog in addition to some links used in our presentation at the workshop.


A very handy and cool new customizable approach to sharing favourite RSS feeds, Webpages and Widgets. You just have to try this. This is the most flexible solution I have seen in a very long time. Here is my contribution to sharing.


AJOL-African Journals online.

You don't need to register/sign up in order to use this sites, but :
"This will allow you to sign up for Email alerts. You can change your personal details or your Email alerts at any time - when you log in, you will be shown a "profile page"where you can correct your details".
African Journals OnLine (AJOL) is a service to provide access to African published research, and increase worldwide knowledge of indigenous
scholarship. The list of available titles are long.The portal is a mix of fulltext and abstracts and the possibility to look at the table of contents.


Webwag Toolbar in Firefox

The Webwag account interface is much like Pageflakes when it comes to being a collection of favourite RSS feeds, but it has some very cool features when it comes to the widgets. Here you could make a widget on demand inside your webwag's pages or just create a widget on demand from the top toolbar in Firefox and export it to your Webwag pages. A wonderful feature! You could put whole webpages into one widget. The Webwag Toolbar you could download here.

Newspapers around the world

Thanks to a colleague (Randi Tyse Eriksen) this is the tip of the week. Through NIAS (Nordic Institute of Asia Studies) NTNU has access to newspapers in a very userfriendly format and possiblities to search and subscribe to RSS feeds in a portal called:
Library PressDisplay

Blogger Archive Calendar The widget is for the new blogger and layouts templates. It's working wonderful in Firefox,Opera and Safari and of course not in Explorer, why should everything be so problematic with Explorer? Another big issue with the Exporer browser is the constant worrying about Sidebar drop down if your widgets or anything else is challenging the sidebar width.


National Geographic News

National Geographic News has made a really cool widget displaying the latest headlines.

Viewable blog

This blog is best viewable in Firefox, Opera and the Safari browser, this particular template seem to have some major problems with Internet Explorer.

MIT World at MIT school of engineering.

"MIT World™ is a free and open site that provides on-demand video of significant public events at MIT". The format is ram (RealMedia).


Map location of our books at Dragvoll Library

It's now possible to find the location of books in our collection by pressing the map button when searching books in BIBSYS Ask.

I have also made a list of the most commonly used dewey classification numbers in geography and social anthropology here at Dragvoll Library and linked the numbers both to bibsys search results and  map location.

Social Anthropology


Free Trials databases

For those of you interested The Royal Society Digital Journal Archive has free access until 30 November 2007. Some libraries also share their USER ID's and Passwords through freely open accessible webpages, like for instance (short period):

Abington Township Public Library

Louis-The Louisiana Library Network

Michigan Library Consortium

Sister Hellen Sheehan Library

Western Michigan University Libraries

IGoogle Sidebar

Now it's possible to have access to your IGoogle account at all time through a sidebar inside your Firefox browser. Inside the sidebar you could select/deselect prefered items from your personalized IGoogle account. The Add-on could be downloaded from here.


European Metereological Society

Some members of the EMS society has given freely available access to their online publications. Medlemsbladet Vejret, published by Dansk Meteorologisk Selskab and Meteorologica, published by Nederlandse Vereniging voor Beroeps Meteorologen. The other publications from the EMS countries are licenced resources, meaning available through paid journals.The list you could find here.The EMS Conference Publications and EMS Newsletter are both freely available online.

New blogger template

A new blogger template has been added to my blog, I was a bit tired of the small width on my right column (240 px), now it's more spacious thanks to the City Tree template by Dan S


Text to speech

If you look in the right column it's now possible to listen to the blogpostings on this blog thanks to Odiogo.



My blog has experienced a major facelift as you could all see. All e-resources that before  had their own widget + pulldown menu has been collected into one widget containing several opml files. It's possible to download the opml files in the widget by clicking the right mouse button and pick the "save as" option. Most of the opml files are just plain collections of links, only one link "Collected Library Rss link", is a collection of RSS feeds.